GIVEN TWO DATA STORED AT MEMORY LOCATION x AND x+1. PERFORM ADDITION ON m(x) AND m(x+1) AND STORE THE RESULT AT LOCATION x+2. THEORY : The first 8 bit data is brought to the accumulator A from the memory location and the second 8-bit data is also brought from another memory location to B. The addition is done using ADD. The result is sorted in the desired location(2002). The addition (ADD) instruction affects flags depending on the result. ALGORITHM : Step 1: LXI H,2000h, to load the address in H-L register pair using LXI H from 16-bit location 2000h.Step 2: MOV A, M to move the value of 2000h memory address value into the accumulator.Step 3: INX H, to increase the value of the H-L register pair to get the next memory location.Step 4: MOV B, M to move the value of the 2001h memory location to register B.Step 5: INX H, done to the H-L pair of the register will be increased and pointed to store the addition result.Step 6: ADD B, for we need to ...